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Can't cancel/ amend booking due to OP policy

Last updated 6 years ago First published 26 February, 2018

IWP English Rating: ALL ages Shortest path: 3 nodes Longest path: 7 nodes Possible solutions: 9
Azizean Adian Learner
  • If the customer situation/ reason is related to any of the below, agent must assist customer by providing the solution.. Sickness/ Death/ Flight Change/. Booking duplicated/ Honest wrong booking/ Promo code. OP denied activity not available / bad service by OP. WIFI / Sim card not working.
  • offer compensate as a gesture of goodfaith as per IWP.
  • Notate the type of defect and how many days in usage on BE and FD. Offer refund for unused days as per IWP..
  • Does customer have supporting document/ evidence to validate such reason? Yes. No.
  • Offer refund as per IWP.
  • Why cu cant provide supporting document? cant provide medical note/MC because got sick while on trip. cant get death cert anytime soon. CU made flight change, not by airline or due to weather.
  • offer partial refund as per IWP.
  • Advise cu of the refund amount that we can offer as per IWP. We will still honor this offer later after cu to submit all required document..
  • Advise we can take refund request into consideration if flight was changed by airline or due to bad weather. If cu insisted and can provide the confirmation email of flight cancellation/ change that he made, escalate to TL..
  • Agent get relevant details from customer and cross-check with account activity log on system. Does it satisfy the IWP criteria? YES. NO. Can't validate customer claim after checking our system.. NOT SURE.
  • offer refund as per IWP.
  • Politely decline customer refund request and provide reason based on the record on system..
  • Seek TL's advice.

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